Once logged into the portal you should see this view on the left.

If you have expanded the view before you may need to scroll to the bottom on the left. We are looking for the 'STATUS' menu

Click 'STATUS' and the view should expand as below

Next click 'Call History' (this can sometimes take a little white to pull the data through so make sure you ONLY CLICK IT ONCE)

You should now see a 'SIMPLE VIEW' list of recent calls, like the below image

Next we need to look to the BOTTOM of the page (or scroll if you don't see this menu) and look for this menu along the bottom, which should look like this

Now click here, on COMPLETE VIEW

You may now have to wait a little while for it to pull the data through. DO NOT refresh the page at any point or you may have issues. Just wait for the records to show, this may take anywhere between 5 seconds and as long as 60 seconds depending on the number of calls in your system and your internet speeds.

Once in the complete view at the bottom menu again i would click the option for 'COLUMNS'

As this opens select the following to be included in your view

If you scroll a little further down you can also select the UNIQUE ID. Each call has one so i would include this in your search as you may need to find different legs or transfers and this will help when trying to find those variables.

Once you have set your columns for the search criteria (once you have set it once it should rememebr the view the next time you log in.

The next thing to do is search for your call

The easiest way to do this is just using specific search criteria for the call depending on if it is an 'outbound' or 'inbound call'

To search a call, click the magnifying glass icon at the bottom left

This should open up a sub window at the top right like so

for ANY OUTBOUND CALLS your search should look like this (make sure you use the drop downs in the menu to change them: 

For any INBOUND CALLS it should look like this

Note on the OUTBOUND calls it is DESTINATION and INBOUND calls we use CALLER ID and you should always drop the leading 0 as some people may present the number as 447 or 441 with the country code so this ensure you don't miss anything. You can use less to search, for example search for just 247530 but the more you enter the better the search results will be./ Once you have entered them click 'FIND'

The system should now pull any calls through related to that.

Remember if you are unsure if a call to the end user or a call from them to you, then you will possibly need to use both searches to find the call in the logs

If you have call recording you can click the speaker icon to listen to the call. You can also download the recording from here in the new windw too

To download the call recording click the blue download button in the new window

You may find at times you can find one part of the call but not another where it has been transferred

In this instance complete the search exactly as we did at the start

But them look in the last columns for the 'UNIQUE ID' this is an ID unique to that call so you can search again and this time in the search search for the unique ID code instead of the contact number like so

IF you do use this only use the unique number not the server as the call may possibly have used another server in the leg of the call so the full ID may be something like this:


But you should only use the part in red.

You could also narrow down the search using this view here and once searched the calls for a particular day inbound or 

outbound you can click the figures to expand the number of calls in a new view


We hope you have found this article useful

Thank you

Jibba Jabba